The Four Soils
Which of the four soils describes you?
In the Gospel of Mark, the parable of the Sower was the first object lesson Jesus used to teach the disciples. He often used the physical landscape around them with familiar and easy-to-understand concepts like agriculture to make a spiritual point. Farming was a major part of their culture and society, therefore the examples Jesus provided in his parable were intended for them to easily comprehend. When a Sower prepares to spread seeds, he carries a bag draped over his shoulder and walks up and down the furrows taking handfuls of seed and dispersing them evenly along the open ground. In this parable, the seed landed on four different types of soil. It was understood by the farmer doing the sowing that a fraction of the seeds sown would be unproductive.
In this parable, Jesus explained to his disciples that the “seed” represents the word of God, and the “Sower” represents the believing evangelist sharing the gospel message. The “soils” are the types of people receiving the gospel message and the condition of their hearts. Over the next few episodes, the four examples of these soils will be presented as taught by Jesus: the wayside soil, the rocky soil, the thorny soil, and the good soil.
Each soil represents a person’s spiritual state or readiness to receive the good news of Jesus Christ. We are all given an opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus, and we have a choice of how to react to what we hear. Farmers understand that soil must be cultivated, fertilized, and watered before it can receive the seed to be fruitful. Man’s reception of God’s word is determined by the condition of his heart. As you listen to each example ask the Lord to expose what type of soil you are. An honest self-assessment of these soils can provide an opportunity for transformative change in our lives. The goal is that our faith will grow, and our lives will exemplify good soil.
Father God, thank you for this parable of the Sower and the lesson it will bring to anyone who has ears to hear. As we go through the four soils, please help us develop a better understanding of each soil and cause us to critically observe the condition of our hearts. We desire to be fruitful and have changed lives rich with good soil and look more like your son, Jesus. By your Spirit, give us power and strength to change, as we surrender and submit to the areas that you expose to us for your glory. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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The Four Soils