Carry the Light Ministries

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The Word of God: An Absolute Truth

How has Scripture changed your life?

The Word of God exceeds mere words on a page. It comes with authority because it was derived directly from our Creator, God. It is alive with His Spirit and power; it is His revelation for us. It gives us clear instructions and helps us to comprehend His character and attributes.

Furthermore, it judges our intentions and cautions us of the consequences when we are disobedient. God’s word is not to be taken casually; it should be read daily and lived out intentionally.

The Word of God is necessary for us to mature spiritually. The vital power it contains exists in its ability to pierce and penetrate the innermost depths of the human soul. God’s word is living and breathing; His word exposes anything we endeavor to hide in our hearts. It effectively and actively transforms our lives and thoughts. When you read your bible, it is also reading you, it is a two-way transaction. The words have a purpose, and it reveals the lies of the enemy. Applying God’s word promotes the work of our sanctification when we willingly submit to His authority and trust Him. His words produce spiritual fruit in our lives and never come back void.

What challenges have you faced when studying God’s word?

Father God, thank you for your word; it is alive and active. Help me to apply it to my life daily and use it to transform me to look more like Jesus. I pray that it will also empower and equip me to withstand the attacks of the enemy. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Scripture References:

Isaiah 55:11; Jeremiah 23:29; Ephesians 6:17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Timothy 3:16

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The Word of God: An Absolute Truth Melissa Saenz