A Healing Faith
A Healing Faith
Episode 8 - Part One
Hello, and welcome to In the Lighthouse brought to you by Carry the Light Ministries. This is Daphne Collins, your host for our time together. The lighthouse is your safe harbor from the storm. Well, now that you’ve navigated through the holidays, and for many of you, time with your families; are you ready to get started in this New Year? I can only say this with absolute certainty, if God wills it, I will be here to greet you In the Lighthouse for as long as I can. I hope that you took some time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, and perhaps watched, or listened to, our special Christmas episode, “A Light in the Darkness?” Carry the Light Ministries invited you to take a prophetic journey through Scripture with us; all the way back to the Garden to see the faithfulness of God, who sent his only Son into this dark world to fulfill all that was spoken of old. If we get caught up in the busyness of life, we could miss how God is working behind the scenes fulfilling all that he has purposed in the people who are called to his name.
We now return to our regular programming beginning with a new story about the courage of one woman who was willing to boldly put all of her faith in her Yahweh–Rapha, the Lord who heals me. But, before we begin I want to remind you once again that you can message me directly at: TheLighthouse@carrythelightministries.com, or leave a comment below on our social media. If you know of someone whose story needs telling, let me know all about it. God uses our stories to bless others who may be experiencing trials of their own, and need a little encouragement to persevere. Okay, let’s get started!
Providence has a way of kicking back when we go about our days relentlessly trudging the wheel of fortune, hoping beyond hope that unfortunate circumstances would not come knocking at our door. But if we’re honest, many of us are willing to spin the wheel, and take the risk that sickness would not be the sign left at our doorstep. We get caught up in situations, many of which can be of our own making, that develop into microscopic stressors wreaking havoc in our bodies. Even the healthiest of athletes can succumb to the black ball landing on their number on the wheel. When the news is heard, we must take time to comprehend its gravity, and work through the emotions that will inevitably begin to form in our psyches.
The sovereignty of God, for many of us, is brought to mind. Questions are formed and solutions are sought based on the information provided. Fight or flight becomes the overwhelming instinct as the enemy begins his campaign of attack. In such situations, how well armed would you be? Are you prepared to fight, or would you crumble under a blanket of hopelessness? Meet Patti Stoltz, a wife, mother, business owner, and a true fighter. Patti and her husband Randy attend the same church as I — appropriately named Hope Bible Church, where I first got to know Patti in our small group. God has a way of placing people in your path whom you know would make an impact in this world. In her own way, Patti has been doing just that. As a believer in Jesus Christ, Patti wears her faith like a badge of courage for anyone to see.
This episode is entitled, “A Healing Faith,” and tells the story of faith under fire. It’s a story of advocacy in the face of bureaucracy; faith versus science, and God’s providential hand moving in the background to show his lovingkindness and mercy in the time of storm. Patti’s account is her own retelling as it happened, and, although it’s honest and straightforward, her opinions or decisions may not agree with some of our listeners. But the beauty of this is that in God’s economy, all are free to make choices they believe will work best for them. Patti made her choice, and it became her battle plan. Some of what is spoken may not be suitable for certain audiences, so I caution adults and parents to use discretion with your young ones when listening to this episode.
Patti Stoltz
“But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).
Show Notes
Opening Theme: Going for Gold
Insights From an Elder - “What it means to be a Christian” - by Laine Wilder
Transcript for “A Healing Faith” Part One
Transcript for “What it means to be a Christian” by Laine Wilder
National Association for Naturopathic Doctors: https://aanmc.org/national-associations/
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians: https://naturopathic.org/