Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Did you know that Jesus Christ is the only man ever born who was fully and completely 100% God and 100% man? Theologically, it’s called the “Hypostatic Union”. Think about it, all of the things he did in his life, only Jesus, God in the flesh, could do them.
Only Jesus could descend into this wicked world so that someday we could ascend into that perfect world from which He came. Only Jesus was made lower than the angels to raise us higher than the angels. Only Jesus became a servant that we might be made kings and priests unto God. Only Jesus was made sin for us so that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. Only Jesus could become poor so that we could become rich. Only Jesus came to die so that we would live with Him throughout eternity. Only Jesus took upon Himself human nature so that we might be partakers of the divine nature.
Only Jesus was rejected of men so that we would not be rejected by the Father. Only Jesus was justly condemned so that we would be justly saved. Only Jesus could drink the bitter cup of divine wrath so that we could drink from the pure waters of the river of life. Only Jesus could be numbered among transgressors so that we would be numbered among the saints. Only Jesus wore a crown of thorns so that we might wear a crown of glory.
Only Jesus poured out His soul unto death so that all who believe on Him will never die. Only Jesus endured the worst so that we would, forevermore, enjoy the best - HIMSELF! Oh, what a Savior!
Beloved, do you know Him as your Savior? Embrace what He did on the cross for you, and the Father will embrace you forevermore! “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name” John 1:12 (NASB).
This is Laine Wilder for Carry the Light Ministries, bringing you Insights From an Elder!
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Insights From an Elder - Only Jesus
by Laine Wilder
author of “Insights From an Elder” for
Carry the Light Ministries