Divine Discipline
Hebrews 12:11
“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”
What benefits or advantages have you gained through God’s discipline in your life?
When you consider the word discipline, does it evoke a positive or negative response? The term discipline is derived from the Greek paideia and later from the Latin disciplina to imply instruction, training, and correction as to the bringing up of children. In this context, the author signifies the immense benefit of a father’s discipline to his son and the fruit of righteousness that springs from it.
God can discipline us in various ways: to train us, prepare us or reprove us. Through testing, He allows us to fight against sinful inner struggle or personal hardship. We are never left alone in the fight. Whether our test involves toxic influences or physical suffering,no matter the situation, discipline is often formed through hardships. Although discipline is often formed through unpleasant circumstances, it is always beneficial.
Being disciplined does not mean that God is punishing or abandoning us; instead, God can use these moments to lead us away from sin, and bring us to a deeper faith. Discipline is necessary to mold us into being more like Jesus (1 Peter 1:14-16). Painful consequences can be used to develop our character and bring us closer to God. Often during these times, our minds become so consumed with the hardship of the situation, we tend to lose sight of the fruit that will come out of it. We later realize how God used those experiences to grow us. Looking back, we can clearly see the role of hardship turned to discipline, and how it encourages our spiritual maturity. Although He did not sin, Jesus bore His suffering, and sits at the right hand of the Father. We sin, and receive discipline to correct and bring us closer to the Father.
Here are three reasons for the Lord's discipline:
· Correction - God’s word is used for correction and instruction (Hebrews 4:12)
· Prevention - To prevent sin, He shelters us from the things that can corrupt us (Psalm 46:1)
· Education - Lessons through the experiences of life that lead us to deeper fellowship with God and compassion for others (2 Timothy 3:16)
God's correction is not condemnation. God’s chastening demonstrates love and patience as it promotes holiness. Divine discipline produces righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. By turning to God when we experience hardship, God responds with corrected living, peace, and wholeness. Just as a parent lovingly corrects a child, our heavenly Father does the same for us. He wants the absolute best for us. With this in mind, we should view discipline as training in our lives. God uses our pain for a greater purpose (Romans 8:28). God may love us where we are, but He will never leave us there.
Has there been a time in your life that God’s chastening saved you from self-destruction?
Father, thank you that you love me enough to discipline me. I am so very grateful for the times that you have prevented me from going down the wrong path. Thank you for your correction in my life, and for all the lessons and experiences that I have endured throughout the years. I know that these situations have brought me closer to you. Help me to recognize and remember that your discipline is necessary for my spiritual growth and to look more like you. I pray that my heart will be obedient to your chastening. Amen.
Scripture References:
Romans 5:3-5; 2 Corinthians 4:17; Hebrews 12:5-9; Proverbs 3:11-12