The Benefit of God’s Word
2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
What impact has the word of God had in your life?
Who wrote the playbook of our life? God, our Father in heaven, the very one who created us in His likeness, wrote it. The Scriptures are the breathing out of God through the agency of man. Jesus tells us in Matthew 4:4, that “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” The word of God is for our spiritual benefit. As people, we require more than just the biological necessities to keep us alive. Holistically, it is not solely food and water that provides sustenance, we require God’s divine word to feed and nourish our souls. He alone is the true source of fulfillment for our lives.
The word profitable means useful or beneficial, promoting or enhancing our well-being; referring to the moral development of the mind. The Greek word for righteousness implies the moral standard of knowing right from wrong. The Bible shines a light on what is not pleasing to the Lord, and teaches us how to correct those areas of our lives. The Bible itself is an extension of God's will, formed out of His Spirit in written word. The Scriptures provide multiple benefits that supply the necessary components to a holistically spirit-filled life: teaching, reproof, correction, and discipline.
Teaching and reproof will impact and develop godly virtues in our lives. Through teaching, the Scriptures transform us internally as we become better acquainted with God. When we read His word, we become familiar with God's attributes and character, and we learn how to become more like Jesus, His Son. Reproof exposes the sin in our lives. Once exposed, the Bible will offer a godly solution. However, we are always given the choice to obey the solution God gives us through His word.
Training in righteousness is the practical application of God's word. We gain knowledge of what is true, what is wrong, how to correct the wrong, and how we apply the truth in our lives. James 1:22 says, “but be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” What benefit or impact will the word of God have in your life if you are just reading it but not applying it?
The word of God is the spiritual trainer. We have a loving Father who wants the best for us. We can immerse ourselves in God's word and rely on the Holy Spirit to reveal its truth to us. (John 16:13). It keeps us on track toward growing spiritually mature and equips us to achieve any task God has asked of us.
The Bible contains instruction and righteousness for every aspect of life. From managing our home, stewarding our finances, and handling relationships to raising our children. God is supernaturally able to take the word and communicate with us relationally. The reality of a divine Christ and scripture go hand in hand. All scripture emphasizes the composite totality of God’s word to his people. We cannot pick and choose which scriptures we will believe or adhere to. All scripture is profitable for our lives. We can choose to either submit to the will of God or we don't, however, we cannot expect to succeed in our walk with Christ without immersing in His word. It is the source of life and truth. The Bible is God’s inspired gift to us. If we apply it in our lives, we will grow in holiness and avoid many pitfalls.
How can you be more intentional about applying God’s word in your life? Are you a hearer or a doer of God’s word?
Father, thank you for the precious gift of your word. Thank you that you have given me the instructions to successfully navigate through my life. I am so grateful that your word teaches, reproves, corrects, and trains me so that I can become spiritually mature and righteous. Help me to be intentional to read your word daily, and apply it to every area of my life. When I am reproved or corrected by your word, help me to respond with an attitude of obedience. Amen.
Scripture References:
Romans 15:4; Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 119:9; Proverbs 6:23; Psalm 119: 97-104